Friday, 9 November 2012

Conclusion and Future Recommendation for my project...

Automatic smoke absorber machine is type of machine that have own function where to save the environment by reducing the air contamination that come from open burning process. while I mention for open burning process, it means the smoke that come from open burning process does not have heavy particles in the smoke compared to industry smoke; for example smoke from factory.

so that, for future recommendation, if this machine want to apply to the factory, the contain of water that want to be mist out to filter the smoke must have some chemical particles to react with the chemicals smoke, so that, neutralisation process will happen and the smoke will be neutralized and the air contamination will reduce by that process.

other than that, filter in the Automatic smoke absorber machine can be replaced with some filter more compact. for example I want to filter the smoke that contain with the fully with oil, which means the particles in the smoke have oily and it cannot be filter easily by using sponge or water because the density of oil and water are different. here, I suggest to filter the smoke using compact dust and shaping it in filter type. so the oil particles can be filtered with the type of filter.

my conclusion is, I had achieved my objectives where this machine can reduce the air contamination and Automatic Smoke Absorber Machine have been done and can be apply to personal home especially.

INDUSTRIAL DAY on 8th November 2012...

today is the day that every final year student including me waiting for, where they need to present their work to assessor and public. today is very nervous day for me. my assessor are NHMY( Nur Hidayah Mohd Yunus) and HMD ( Hisham Mat Desa). below is the picture of me with my project

that is me with my project

on that day, time I need to be assess from 10 am  until 12.30 noon.
my assessor are very nice to me.
my presentation day are being well to me.
and I got my satisfaction for my Industrial Day.

Monday, 5 November 2012

re-design the poster for INDUSTRIAL DAY...

before this I already design my poster but it is not fulfil my satisfaction and I alter it back to give something more creative and attractive. below is the design of my new poster..

here it is my new poster...colour of my poster more attractive compared before.

the content of my poster also have been alter to make the contents is compact with the important information.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

testing the project

after finish up the project, it's time to test the functionality the system of the project. Alhamdulillah, the project  running as expected  before. To do some backup while presentation day, I added new input and combine the sensor input and switch input by using OR gate which means if either one of the input running, the process will continue run usually. What I means here, in the hall, the students are not allowed to used the firing material because it can activate the alarm system in the hall, so that the switch function to give input for the system without doing burning process so supply smoke to the MQ2 sensor.

figure above is the image of backup input switch on the control system board

the figure shows the AC fan running out while the input switch pressed ( or smoke sensor send the output) and at the same time, water pump 1 and water pump 2 will pumped the water to supply source for water mist system. Three system are work together while get the input signal.

the three system are work about 20m=20seconds delay time.. after that the green bulb will blow up to shows the smoke are clean about 90% because last stage sensor did not give any output, which means the smoke on the last stage cannot be detected and it means the smoke in clean situation.

from the estimation, the result shows like below:-

that the result that i can get from the estimation of my "Automatic smoke absorber machine".