Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Choose Siemens Logo Programmable Relay as a Control System

Siemens Logo Programmable Relay is one of the program boards that will use for control system in this machine. In process to order the relay from Siemens Company, work still on while doing the hardware parts.  Below is the example image of Siemens Logo Programmable Relay. This system contains of programmable relay board, down-loader and software.

relay above are have 8 inputs and 4 outputs. to program this relays, it using logic gate programming. 

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Re-do the hardware

Hardware that have been prepared last time did not fulfil the satisfaction of Supervisor ( En. Abdul Halim Abd Rahman). The hardware must be doing back. The problem with the previous hardware is not following the ideal specifications. All the size has been reconfiguring back for make sure it looks more professional. The thick of the prospect have been changed to 2mm.

 For information, the sensitivity for 2 mm prospects is very high, it easy to crack. Along the process to complete the chamber of machine, it must do in carefully. To cut the shape of machine in the right measurement, it has sent to the professional person. It need a week to finish the shape.. on the next week, the part machine will be taken and will complete by own.

The machine are along 95 cm width and 45 cm in height. This machine in model size, but actually this machine can be build in two main size that suits for factory or personal home. so that, in model size, it suit for home users. 

the photos of the hardware will be upload later..:)

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Second part while doing Automatic Smoke Absorber Machine

welcome back to new semester.. :)

hardware for this project was in progress, just a few part had finish but must be alter time by time..
there's a lot thing must do to finish this machine. this machine I build in model size, which means in a very small size compare to real size.

this machine size is around 20 inch width and 15 inch high.. material for this machine model is using  prospect  whereby it is so easy to design it and much less cost compared to heat resistance material that need high cost to buy and to cut that things.

p/s: I am very sorry to my supervisor ( Sir Halim) for not see him along semester break because busy with my short course and working session.. :)